We believe plant-based protein is streets ahead of animal-based protein and here’s why:

A plant-based protein source that is soy-free, gluten-free, nut-free and dairy-free are perfect for people who have a sensitive digestive system or people who wish to avoid these issues in the future.

For many people, dairy may not upset your gut currently, but as you get older lactose in milk becomes harder for your body to break down, as our bodies produce less of the enzyme lactase. This can lead to gut issues down the line, which will not occur from using a clean plant protein source, such as our super yellow split peas!

A common misconception of plant proteins is that they do not contain all nine essential amino acids. This is not true, as all plant-protein sources contain all the essential amino acids, however in varying amounts. Therefore it is recommended to obtain your protein from more than one source on a plant-based diet. With that being said, if you eat a sufficient amount of calories and don’t eat the exact same thing for each meal this is not nothing to be concerned about!

Amino acids are the small building blocks that make up protein. There are nine amino acids that our body cannot produce itself that we must get from our food, and these are therefore called essential. Eating a plant-based diet which has a variety of foods provides more than enough amino acids and protein, especially if you include a protein supplement each day, such as our Protein M*lks.

Animal-based protein sources also contain all nine essential amino acids. However in eating just animal-based protein sources you are consuming an unhealthier protein source compared to plant-based. increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and early death. Animal-based proteins have been proven to be linked to heart disease, stroke, early death, cancer and kidney diseases.

It is super easy to get enough protein on a plant-based diet, some of our favourite sources include, Tofu, Tempeh, Soy-yogurts, Chickpeas, Kidney and black beans, lentils, nuts (especially nut butters, yum!), seeds, whole grain breads and cereals, quinoa, cous-cous, rice and oats!

One of the easiest and most nutritious ways of getting enough plant-based protein in your diet is to drink one of our Plant Protein M*lks. These contain 20 grams of plant-based protein from the yellow split peas which have all nine essential amino acids and naturally occurring BCAA’s. We have also included prebiotic dietary fibre from chicory root which helps boost your gut and we have fortified our M*lks with 14 vitamins and minerals, including 100% of your B12 and vitamin D daily requirements.

Plant-protein is also a better choice due to how many nutrients are contained within them compared to animal-based protein. Plants contain loads of vitamins and minerals, are packed full of fibre and contain no saturated fats, which is known to be linked to heart disease.

Animal-protein on the other hand is non comparable in its nutrient content compared to much more nutritious plant sources. It has no fibre, a small amount of B vitamins and some minerals and contains saturated fats and can cause cancer.

So, is there any difference between plant-based and animal-based protein for recovery and building muscle:

In a study performed in 2021 this question was put to the test for young men. They took a sample of 38 men, half were vegan and the other half were omnivores and made them perform the same workout programme for three months.

The results?:

There was nothing to suggest that there was any difference in the strength and muscle gained between the two groups, demonstrating that plant-protein is just as effective as animal-based protein for recovery and building muscle.

So what is the big takeaway here?

Changing to eating a plant-based diet, with an adequate protein intake is just as effective as a diet high in animal based-protein, however you are getting a more nutritious protein source, one that is better for the planet and animal welfare, and ultimately one which is better for your health and your gut!

Make the change which is better for you and the panet, and make it ASAP!


1. Hevia-Larraín, V., Gualano, B., Longobardi, I. et al. High-Protein Plant-Based Diet Versus a Protein-Matched Omnivorous Diet to Support Resistance Training Adaptations: A Comparison Between Habitual Vegans and Omnivores. Sports Med (2021).

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